webpage stats Everything that is happening: October 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Here comes Windows 7 (j/k)

Microsoft confirmed that its next operating system, codenamed Windows 7, would in fact be called just that when it hits shelves at some point in the next few years. This simple sensible naming approach shows some clarity from the hyped Vista scenario.

But what has not been lost in the urge for numerous variations on offer.Leaked advertisement pictures claim 20 separate editions of Windows 7.

I am still wondering the need for variety without substance.Hope Microsoft comes with some plausible reason for all this mockery.

Previous article:Gmail's Sober Check

Read the title once again now!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sober check on Gmail

Just a quick post to mention a silly experiment that Google has released to the public: Mail Goggles. This feature is designed to prevent you from sending stupid e-mails in the small hours, when you're most likely to be inebriated and at risk of making a complete idiot of yourself.

When enabled, Mail Goggles kicks in at the time you specify (default is between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. on Friday and Saturday), and throws five math problems up on the screen when you press "send." You have a limited period of time to solve them. If you can answer the questions, presumably your mind is sound enough to send the mail.

To activate Mail Goggles, go into Gmail's settings, and turn on Mail Goggles in the "Labs" tab. Then adjust how and when it works in the "General" tab.

Previous Article : Alien life

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Life outside earth

Do you see that photo above? As far as photos of our universe go, it’s pretty blurry and not all that spectacular, except for one little detail: this is the first photo of a planet orbiting a star outside of our solar system. Ever.

The image was taken by three University of Toronto scientists using the Gemini North telescope trained on the distant star . Up until this point, the only planet-like objects scientists had clearly observed in space did not appear locked in orbit around a star much like our own sun. This discovery could shake up some widely held astronomical theories though, since the supposed planet is located farther from it’s ’sun’ than researchers thought possible.

According to scientist, Dr. David Lafrenière:“Of course it would be premature to say that the object is definitely orbiting this star, but the evidence is extremely compelling. This will be a very intensely studied object for the next few years!”

Previous Article:Cloud computing and Stallman

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